Monday, July 11, 2011


 Itu judul acara Just Alvin on MetroTV semalem... bercerita mengenai 5 seleb cewek yang gagal untuk menikah.. mereka dengan semua ceritanya sendiri2... ada yang bener2 dah gak berhubungan lagi dengan mantan nya karena sudah teramat sangat di sakiti setelah sang mantan malah memilih meninkah dengan wanita lain di saat pesta pernikahan sudah 80% siap.... ada yang masih mencintai mantan tunangannya karena menurut dia that's what she calls Unconditional Love. Ada yang sangat tegar dalam menghadapinya...
But at the end... semuanya setuju LIFE MUST GO ON.... 

Ada suatu pernyataan dari  salah satu seleb: "Mom, do you want me to be happy or do you want me to be complete? Kalau Mama mau aku complete dengan berkeluarga, memiliki suami dan anak-anak aku bisa menghadirkan, tapi belum tentu aku bahagia..." Hmmmm such strong words... and sesuai banget ama guweeeee..... whooooaaaaa....

I want to be COMPLETE and HAPPY... Not just COMPLETE... that's what most people around me don't understand...

And speaking about Unconditional Love... hmmm .. been there done that... and when I found something about him... at first.. I had this denial feeling... but then I know I have to move on... with him I do feel complete.. we know each other very well, even sometimes we don't have to say a word... but I know there's something that will not make me completely happy if I spent the rest of my life with him... therefore I tried to move on... though it's so damn hard... there were up and down moments... so many sleepless teary nights...  But at the end.. I'm moving on now...  

I've asked for the man who can COMPLETE ME and also make me HAPPY to Allah SWT.. But seems that Allah still wants me to be more patient..Just Hope and pray for the best... ^^v... Bismillah... Pray for me folks... :)

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