Huhuhu... dah lama banget yaaak blog ku ini ndak aku tengok2 ... *elap2 debu
Hhhh... my life has been like roller coaster lately. Of course it's due to the working life. What else? :D
So many changes happened in the office. Sometimes it really drags me down. Sometimes I feel like I just wanna give up. And find a job somewhere else. But then I realized, I haven't learned so many things yet from this company. I still need to grooming my self. I want to learn as many things as possible.
Friday last week was really not my day. Clashed with 2 of my colleagues, which actually was not my mistake at all. But then again, I believe there's something good behind every bad things. :D
I learned so many things on that day:
Hhhh... my life has been like roller coaster lately. Of course it's due to the working life. What else? :D
So many changes happened in the office. Sometimes it really drags me down. Sometimes I feel like I just wanna give up. And find a job somewhere else. But then I realized, I haven't learned so many things yet from this company. I still need to grooming my self. I want to learn as many things as possible.
Friday last week was really not my day. Clashed with 2 of my colleagues, which actually was not my mistake at all. But then again, I believe there's something good behind every bad things. :D
I learned so many things on that day:
- People can be so cruel and arrogant... don't let them make you feel down... Always think there's something best in you which others dont have ...
- I really have to learn to not depend on someone even that's my closest friends ... at the end of time, it's me, my self who has full control on what's going to happend in my personal journey, not others.
![Photo: Every test in our life makes us bitter or better. Every problem comes to make us or break us. The choice is ours: either we become victims or victorious..
The Prophet (s.a.w.w) said, “Man is tested according to the level of his faith. If his faith is firm, his trials increase in severity, and if there is weakness in his faith, he will be tried accordingly.” [Tirmithi & Ibn Maajah]..
SubhanAllah…let others know…JazakaAllah khayrun](
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