Yang bener aja deeeh ... seorang Husnul gitu disuruh bikin report mengenai Pria aka Cowok aka Laki laki aka Men aka Males... Owwwhhhhhh... Apa kata dunia???
Gw aja gak pernah sukses njalin hubungan ama makhluk Tuhan yang satu itu, tau2 sekarang disuruh bikin reportnya.. means I have to digging lots of information about them.... means I have to know them better...
Haddeuuuuh.. something wrong nih keknya .... Meneketehe coba... I never never understand about them before....
And after searching some articles on the net.... Do you know what I have found??? My God... almost 90% articles about Men on the net related to SEX.... Darn!!!!.... No wonder I never understand about them.... hehehehe...
Here are some articles about them that I found:
From: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35540957/ns/health-skin_and_beauty/
Gw aja gak pernah sukses njalin hubungan ama makhluk Tuhan yang satu itu, tau2 sekarang disuruh bikin reportnya.. means I have to digging lots of information about them.... means I have to know them better...
Haddeuuuuh.. something wrong nih keknya .... Meneketehe coba... I never never understand about them before....

Here are some articles about them that I found:
From: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35540957/ns/health-skin_and_beauty/
A curvy body's like a drug to men
An hourglass figure activates the reward center in his brain
By Charles Q. Choi
Watching a curvaceous woman can feel like a reward in the brain of men, much as drinking alcohol or taking drugs might, research now reveals.
These new findings might help explain the preoccupation men can have toward pornography, scientists added. Shapely hips in women are linked with fertility and overall health. As such, it makes sense evolutionarily speaking that studies across cultures have shown men typically find hourglass figures sexy.
To explore the roots of this behavior, researchers had 14 men, average age 25, rate how attractive they found pictures of the naked derrieres of seven women before and after cosmetic surgery that gave them more shapely hips. These operations did not reduce weight but just redistributed it, by implanting fat harvested from the waists into the buttocks.
Brain scans of the men revealed that seeing post-surgery women activated parts of the brain linked with rewards, including regions associated with responses to drugs and alcohol.
It might not be especially surprising that evolution wired the male brain to find attractive bodies rewarding.
"Hugh Hefner could have told us that by showing us how many zeroes are in his bank account," said researcher Steven Platek, an evolutionary cognitive neuroscientist at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, Georgia. "But there's more to it than buying Playboy, Maxim, or FHM."
For instance, "these findings could help further our understanding pornography addiction and related disorders, such as erectile dysfunction in the absence of pornography," he explained. "These findings could also lend to the scientific inquiry about sexual infidelity."
The scientists also found that changes in a woman's body-mass index or BMI — a common measure of body fat — only really affected brain areas linked to simple visual evaluations of size and shape. This may be evidence that body fat influences judgments of female beauty due more to societal norms than brain wiring.
"The media portrays women as wholly too skinny," Platek said. "It's not just about body fat, or body mass index."
What do women think?
Future research could also investigate the effects that attractive figures have on the female brain.
"It turns out women find similar optimally attractive female bodies as attention-grabbing, albeit for different reasons," Platek said. "Women size up other women in an effort to determine their own relative attractiveness and to maintain mate guarding — or, in other words, keep their mate away from optimally designed females."
These findings should not be construed as saying that men are solely programmed by their biology, nor that "women without optimal design should just hang up their mating towel," Platek added.
Platek and his colleague Devendra Singh detailed their findings online Feb. 5 in the journal PLoS ONE.
Study Says Men Look First ata Woman’s Body |
Researchers have often asked themselves (and they are certainly not alone in doing so) what is the first thing that men look at when making contact with a woman, her face or her body. While previous studies have tried to come up with an answer to that by analyzing each aspect alone, a new research has managed to factor them both jointly and separately, as SciTechBits can confirm.
According to the findings, men look at a woman’s face first, therefore rate it higher, if they’re looking for a long-term relationship. However, if they want only a fling or something that comes with a deadline or few strings attached, their focus changes on the woman’s body, meaning, they judge her the by-now-all-too-popular WHR (waist-hip-ration) standard. The former has to with a woman’s personality many traits of which can be “read” in the face, while the latter happens for obvious reasons, hailing back to the days when men still picked their mates based on such consideration as fertility and health.
According to the findings, men look at a woman’s face first, therefore rate it higher, if they’re looking for a long-term relationship. However, if they want only a fling or something that comes with a deadline or few strings attached, their focus changes on the woman’s body, meaning, they judge her the by-now-all-too-popular WHR (waist-hip-ration) standard. The former has to with a woman’s personality many traits of which can be “read” in the face, while the latter happens for obvious reasons, hailing back to the days when men still picked their mates based on such consideration as fertility and health.
Researchers took 260 volunteers, 127 men and 133 women, and presented them with photos of models, all of them as similar to one another as possible. Some photos were just head shots, while the others showed a model’s body in underwear. Great effort went into making the photos stick to the same pattern: all underwear was black, hair was removed from the body shots (which did not include the head and only went down to the knees), each face was framed as to cover the hair, while the same distance between camera and the model was maintained.
All participants were asked to rate the photos shown to them on criteria such as a long-term or a short-term relationship, each participant was shown a head shot, a body shot and then a combined photo, but with the head placed next to the body and not on top of it.
“Statistical analysis of men rating women indicated that, even though both the body and face ratings were significant positive predictors of the ratings given to the combined images, the face ratings were stronger predictors of the combined ratings. It was also observed that the ratings for combined images was [sic] slightly higher for short term relationships as compared to long term relationships. One other significant observation – when the short term and long term relationship data were analyzed separately, the body ratings stood as more significant predictors to the combined ratings than face ratings, for short term relationships.” the aforementioned e-zine says.
The answer seems to be clear: men rate the attractiveness of the body higher for short-term affairs, and the face for long-term commitment. “Statistically, this study proves that men and women approach long-term relationships (attractiveness) in a similar fashion ie, paying more attention to the face. However, for short-term relationships, men are liberal in rating women for attractiveness (this coincides with an earlier study which tells that – minimum acceptable levels for a number of factors increased with the length of relationship sought) and also give more importance to the body than the face.” SciTechBits concludes by saying.
From: http://www.inilah.com/read/detail/592211/studi-pria-bersedia-mati-untuk-seks/
Studi ini dipublikasikan di edisi terbaru jurnal Evolutionary Psychology. "Nama permainan mengenai evolusi ini adalah usaha untuk melanjutkan gen pada generasi berikutnya," kata peneliti studi ini, Daniel Kruger dari University of Michigan.
Saat berbicara mengenai reproduksi, laki-laki memiliki usaha lebih untuk mendapatkan serta mengambil risiko perilaku jika menyangkut soal perempuan, kata peneliti.
Pada dasarnya, tidak apa-apa jika pria itu meninggal, karena setidaknya sekali dia melakukan tindakan seksual maka ada kemungkinan keturunannya akan bertahan.
Walaupun seorang ayah terlibat dalam meningkatnya kemungkinan keberhasilam reproduksi, namun tidak memiliki seorang ibu seringkali lebih fatal, terutama di negara-negara berkembang. Oleh karena itu, perempuan tidak seperti laki-laki berevolusi untuk menghindari risiko fisik, ujar peneliti Anne Campbell dari Universitas Durham di Inggris yang tidak terlibat dengan penelitian itu.
Laki-laki, di lain pihak sibuk mencoba untuk mengesankan wanita, khususnya yang cantik dengan mengambil risiko jika menyangkut soal perempuan.
Dari seluruh evolusi, pria banyak menggunakan kekerasan untuk menunjukkan kehebatan fisik dan bentuk lain dengan mengambil risiko.
Poligami di mana satu laki-laki kawin dengan banyak perempuan juga berkorelasi dengan tingkat kematian laki-laki.
Poligami berarti satu pria dapat berhubungan dengan beberapa perempuan, sehingga pria yang berada di hirarki rendah memiliki kesempatan yang rendah untuk memiliki anak.
Hal ini membuat pria berharap untuk naik ke puncak hirarki dan menantang risiko cedera bahkan kematian yang tampak menjadi tidak penting.[ito]
All participants were asked to rate the photos shown to them on criteria such as a long-term or a short-term relationship, each participant was shown a head shot, a body shot and then a combined photo, but with the head placed next to the body and not on top of it.
“Statistical analysis of men rating women indicated that, even though both the body and face ratings were significant positive predictors of the ratings given to the combined images, the face ratings were stronger predictors of the combined ratings. It was also observed that the ratings for combined images was [sic] slightly higher for short term relationships as compared to long term relationships. One other significant observation – when the short term and long term relationship data were analyzed separately, the body ratings stood as more significant predictors to the combined ratings than face ratings, for short term relationships.” the aforementioned e-zine says.
The answer seems to be clear: men rate the attractiveness of the body higher for short-term affairs, and the face for long-term commitment. “Statistically, this study proves that men and women approach long-term relationships (attractiveness) in a similar fashion ie, paying more attention to the face. However, for short-term relationships, men are liberal in rating women for attractiveness (this coincides with an earlier study which tells that – minimum acceptable levels for a number of factors increased with the length of relationship sought) and also give more importance to the body than the face.” SciTechBits concludes by saying.
From: http://www.inilah.com/read/detail/592211/studi-pria-bersedia-mati-untuk-seks/
Studi: Pria Bersedia Mati untuk Seks
INILAH.COM, Jakarta- Studi baru mendapati pria bersedia mengambil risiko kematian demi seks. Hal ini menjelaskan mengapa pria cepat mati daripada perempuan di hampir seluruh negara.
Studi ini dipublikasikan di edisi terbaru jurnal Evolutionary Psychology. "Nama permainan mengenai evolusi ini adalah usaha untuk melanjutkan gen pada generasi berikutnya," kata peneliti studi ini, Daniel Kruger dari University of Michigan.
Saat berbicara mengenai reproduksi, laki-laki memiliki usaha lebih untuk mendapatkan serta mengambil risiko perilaku jika menyangkut soal perempuan, kata peneliti.
Pada dasarnya, tidak apa-apa jika pria itu meninggal, karena setidaknya sekali dia melakukan tindakan seksual maka ada kemungkinan keturunannya akan bertahan.
Walaupun seorang ayah terlibat dalam meningkatnya kemungkinan keberhasilam reproduksi, namun tidak memiliki seorang ibu seringkali lebih fatal, terutama di negara-negara berkembang. Oleh karena itu, perempuan tidak seperti laki-laki berevolusi untuk menghindari risiko fisik, ujar peneliti Anne Campbell dari Universitas Durham di Inggris yang tidak terlibat dengan penelitian itu.
Laki-laki, di lain pihak sibuk mencoba untuk mengesankan wanita, khususnya yang cantik dengan mengambil risiko jika menyangkut soal perempuan.
Dari seluruh evolusi, pria banyak menggunakan kekerasan untuk menunjukkan kehebatan fisik dan bentuk lain dengan mengambil risiko.
Poligami di mana satu laki-laki kawin dengan banyak perempuan juga berkorelasi dengan tingkat kematian laki-laki.
Poligami berarti satu pria dapat berhubungan dengan beberapa perempuan, sehingga pria yang berada di hirarki rendah memiliki kesempatan yang rendah untuk memiliki anak.
Hal ini membuat pria berharap untuk naik ke puncak hirarki dan menantang risiko cedera bahkan kematian yang tampak menjadi tidak penting.[ito]
The last article is soooo hilarious. Willing to die just because SEX??? OWH MY... Really.. Now I understand why I never understand Men.... hehehehehe...
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